
On the night of November 3rd 2020, the polls closed and newscasters seemed more like sportscasters, giving America the play-by-play of the ongoing election results. I, like the rest of the world, watched and waited on the edge of my seat. By the end of the night it looked like another victory and President Donald Trump would keep America great for another four years. As the world woke up the next morning they saw that somewhere in the middle of the night the election went into overtime, the world flipped upside down, and sleepy joe was far enough ahead in votes that he was being called the next President. I was one of the people that had not gone to bed and watched the election become the biggest hoax the world had ever seen. It was clear to me then that America had been duped, as it was clear there were no lengths the dirty left wouldn’t go to, in order to prevent Donald Trump from winning.

I’ve been the owner of a sign and print shop since 2014, and have been making and wearing my own shirts almost as long. Amongst my friends and family I’m known to always surprise and shock with the messages on my shirts that were often funny, bold, inappropriate, and outspoken. On November 4th, I sat thinking about what I could do, but just felt helpless knowing I couldn’t change the trajectory of the lawless left. I decided I could at least let anyone who saw me for the next few days know which side I was on and I made my first four Trump 2024 shirts. On Saturday I wore the fourth Trump 2024 shirt I had made and went to my best friend’s house to hang out, drink some beers, and watch this nightmare unfolding before us. That night I announced to them, I wasn’t going to wear any other shirts except Trump 2024 shirts until it was proven he had won, and if it wasn’t I’d wear them for the next four years. When something is important to me, I embrace it with a passion. As Donald Trump once said, “Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion”. What I was passionate about accomplishing was simply to wear my voice. 

As I walked through stores, restaurants, gas stations, bars, etc (without a mask ever!) people would notice my shirts. Some just said, “I like your shirt”, others saw it and were eager to talk about their frustrations about what happened with the election, or how much they liked President Trump. Others strolled past with an exclamation of, “Trump 2024”, and there were many, too afraid to speak it out loud that would simply give me a smile and a secret thumbs up. Some would stop me and ask where they could get one. From there the idea for Trump2024Life.com was born.

I’ve been wearing a Trump 2024 shirt for 237 days (6/28/21). To date I have 52 different shirts in the rotation. I’ll continue to wear them loud and proud until 11/4/24.

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